Monday, September 13, 2010

Party at the nursing home!

One thing I have come to love about this year's Hald students, is that they are extremely creative and enthusiastic. Green and yellow hats have been generously distributed to this crowd, no doubt. I usually say that if one of them were to suggest they all throw themselves from a cliff, the responses would be something like this:
- Hey, yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun!!
- We should do it every week!!
- I have a really cool "running off cliffs-song we could use!"
- Let's not run, let dance off this cliff! That would be even better!

My kind of people, no doubt.

(Photo by Kristine R. Møskeland)

The last idea this crazy bunch of people came up with, was named a "party at the nursing home". The student board introduced the concept and not to our surprise, people were soon running up and down; looking for hideous skirts, old glasses and someone to draw wrinkles on their otherwise excited faces.

(Photos by Kristine R. Møskeland)

The party was a hit. People played their parts with excellence and the place ended up looking more like a zoo than a nursing home. After an hour or so of handing out medicine, taking people to the bathroom, carrying dead people out of the room and so on, we enjoyed activities such as a quiz, bingo and old folks' gymnastics. The whole thing ended, like most of the Hald initiatives, with a session of dancing. And when I went to bed, tired and sweaty, I thanked God once again to get to spend a year together with this lunatic bunch of people.

(Photo by Kristine R. Møskeland)

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